Lead with integrity
and skill.

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Tommy Kiedis Tommy Kiedis

The Race to Death

You’re in the race — every day — whether you want to be or not. Here’s how to make the most of it.

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Visit The Leader’s Life & Work to read more and find leadership resources and tools. Godly integrity is the “center pole” of leadership. Remove it and the leadership tent collapses. The same is true of the leader’s life. When integrity topples the leader topples. At the same time, great character apart from skillful leadership will not get the job done. Both are essential!

Visit Don’t Ask The Fish to read more devotionals delivering help and encouragement. I focus on how to “think biblically” about every facet of life. I step outside of the fish bowl called “life” and then, peering back through the glass, evaluate what I am seeing and experiencing from God’s perspective.