Lead with integrity and skill.
Looking for something specific? I’ve got you.
Soul Nourishment First
Leaders past and present recognize the importance of making sure we don’t “unsay with our lives” what we promote through our leadership. Here’s help.
Lessons & Lists
Many of us gravitate to the intrigue and insights of the “Top 10,” “3 Secrets,” or “2 Warnings” kind of lists. If that’s you, here you go.
Looking Back: 5 Lessons from 2021
8 AH HA Moments That Help Me Flourish
Overcoming 4 Leadership Misconceptions (coming)
10 Things Car Guys Teach Me About Leadership Part 1
10 Things Car Guys Teach Me About Leadership Part 2 - Tools
Leadership Essentials
Core competencies necessary for any leader.
Walking With the Presidents
There is much to learn about leadership from those who lead at the highest level in our government.
Leaders on Leadership
God tells us, “Buy the truth and do not sell it — wisdom, instruction, and insight as well.” Proverbs 23:23 Here are gleanings from some of the best.
De Pree: 10 Assessment Questions Leaders Ask
Henry Cloud: Three People Every Leader Encounters
Ann McGee-Cooper & Duane Trammell: 5 Practices of Servant Leaders
Billy Graham: The Last Job of the Servant Leader (coming)
Jane McGonigal: Building Resilience by Wasting Time
Liz Wiseman: Spotting “Native” Genius
Jim Collins: Why Leaders “Vacuum the Brain”
This and That
Reading, Mentoring, Hot Rodding, and Leaders from the Bible — leadership lessons from places you would and wouldn’t expect.
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Visit The Leader’s Life & Work to read more and find leadership resources and tools. Godly integrity is the “center pole” of leadership. Remove it and the leadership tent collapses. The same is true of the leader’s life. When integrity topples the leader topples. At the same time, great character apart from skillful leadership will not get the job done. Both are essential!
Visit Don’t Ask The Fish to read more devotionals delivering help and encouragement. I focus on how to “think biblically” about every facet of life. I step outside of the fish bowl called “life” and then, peering back through the glass, evaluate what I am seeing and experiencing from God’s perspective.
You’re in the race — every day — whether you want to be or not. Here’s how to make the most of it.